The Australia-China Centre for Air Quality Science and Management is hosted by three offices, the:
- Queensland University of Technology, in Brisbane, Australia;
- Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences in Beijing, China;
- Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, in Hong Kong, China.
- 昆士兰科技大学,布里斯班,澳大利亚
- 中国环境科学研究院,北京,中国
- 香港科技大学,香港,中国
News 新闻
7 November 2024
Professor Lidia Morawska receives Planetary Health Award in Monaco. For more information.
31 October 2024
The 2024 Annual Meeting of the Australia-China Centre for Air Quality Science and Management was Hosted by the Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences. For more information.
29 August 2023
A paper was published by One Earth on 18 August 2023 titled, A synergistic ozone-climate control to address emerging ozone pollution challenges. Members of our Centre were involved in this.
5 December 2021
Happy 7th birthday ACC-AQSM! Our Centre was lunched on the 5 December 2014!
3 December 2021
A very interesting even took place on Thursday, 2 December, the 7th Annual Conference of the ACC-AQSM! A big thank you to the CRAES and JNU teams for organizing such an amazing event! The recordings and slides to the presentations will be made available to Centre Members next week. Below, a group photo taken during the Annual Conference. For more information
29 November 2021
The program for the 7th Annual Conference of the ACC-AQSM to be held online through ZOOM on the 2nd December 2021, is ready. We are very excited about the interesting program and the opportunity to discuss these topics further. To view the Program
8 November 2021
The 7th Annual Conference of the ACC-AQSM will be held online through ZOOM on the 2nd December 2021, and hosted by the CRAES and the Jinan University. Please reserve these dates!
18 October 2021
For information, a video on Ventilation to combat airborne infection spread has been published in Mandarin.
16 September 2021
Many congratulations to Distinguished Professor Lidia Morawska, who has been nominated by TIME magazine as one of the most 100 influential people of 2021!
20 June 2021
Another paper success story by ACC-AQSM colleagues titled, The state of science on severe air pollution episodes: quantitative and qualitative analysis, addressing Big Question 3 has been published by Environment International!
14 May 2021
A paper was published by Science today titled, A paradigm shift to combat indoor respiratory infection. Members of our Centre were involved in this. It is being covered by some of the major media outlets around the world and in Australia.
7 April 2021
The Clean Air Society of Australia and New Zealand (CASANZ) is hosting the 25th International Clean Air and Environment Conference, ‘Air Quality in Unprecedented times” to be held online from the 17-21 May 2021. The conference will focus on recent global trends such as bushfire disasters, prolonged droughts, the COVID-19 pandemic and the effects of the changing climate, and what they mean for long term strategies for Air Quality management. For more information and if you would like to participate, please see the links below. Program| Registration| Meet the speakers
26 November 2020
A very successful 6th Annual Meeting of the ACC-AQSM took place this week – the Centre’s first virtual Annual Meeting! On Day 1, there was a total of 11 presentations and over 180 participants at the peak time. On Day 2, there was a total of 12 presentations and 123 participants at the peak time. A big thanks to Professor Boguang Wang, Professor Hao Wang, and their team at the Jinan University for organising such a wonderful meeting of our Centre!
To View the Final Program
20 November 2020
The 6th Annual Conference of the ACC-AQSM will be held online through ZOOM on the 24-26 November 2020, and hosted by Jinan University, Guangzhou. To View the Program
20 November 2020
Another paper success story by ACC-AQSM colleagues titled The quest for improved air quality may push China to continue its CO2 reduction beyond the Paris Commitment. This is an important paper which addressed Biq Questions 1 and 7.
31 August 2020
Another paper success story by ACC-AQSM colleagues. A paper titled, “COVID-19 patients in earlier stages exhaled millions of SARS-CoV-2 per hour” (ciaa1283, 2020), by Jianxin Ma, Xiao Qi, Haoxuan Chen, Xinyue Li, Zheng Zhang, Haibin Wang, Lingli Sun, Lu Zhang, Jiazhen Guo, Lidia Morawska, Sergey A. Grinshpun, Pratim Biswas, Richard C. Flagan, Maosheng Yao, published in Clinical Infectious Diseases. To view this paper
5 August 2020
The 6th Annual Conference of the ACC-AQSM will be held online through ZOOM on the 24-26th November 2020, and hosted by Jinan University, Guangzhou. Please reserve these dates! Three themes have been proposed for this meeting. Each theme will be a three-hour session conducted over three consecutive days. Each session will include the key presentations (15 mins) and 5-10 short presentations (10 mins). The rest will be devoted to discussion.
Theme 1 (24 November 2020, Tuesday): | Achievements of Air Pollution Prevention and Control Actions during the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” period in China |
Theme 2 (25 November 2020, Wednesday): | Existing and possible applications of low-cost air quality monitoring sensors in “The Belt and Road Initiative” countries |
Theme 3 (26 November 2020, Thursday): | Airborne transmission of the virus: What we’ve known and how we can do |
4 August 2020
Another paper success story by ACC-AQSM colleagues. A paper titled, “Heterogeneous SO2 Oxidation in Sulfate Formation by Photolysis of Particulate Nitrate” (6(20: 86-91, 2019), by Masao Gen, Ruifeng Zhang, Dan Dan Huang, Yongjie Li and Chak K. Chan, published in Environmental Science & Technology Letters, has been selected as one of the Best 5 papers in EST Letters in 2019. For more information, please see the ES&T Letters announcement. To view this paper.
27 July 2020
A title page of the Environmental Science and Technology journal, features work by members of the ACC-AQSM conducted as part of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Young Scholar grant awarded in 2017-2018, to Dr Svetlana Stevanovic and Dr. Lina Wang. Please see the 3rd image in the carousel on the journal website. The title of the publication featured: Assessing the Effect of Reactive Oxygen Species and Volatile Organic Compound Profiles Coming from Certain Types of Chinese Cooking on the Toxicity of Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells. Many congratulations to the authors and co-authors of the paper!
16 April 2020
A Perspective that has just been published and co-authored by members of ACC-AQSM: Morawska L and Cao J,. Airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2: the world should face the reality (Volume 139, June 2020, 105730 DOI: Congratulations to the authors of the paper!
3 February 2020
Our Science of the Total Environment Special Issue paper titled ‘A review of biomass burning: Emissions and impacts on air quality, health and climate in China’ is among the top cited and downloaded papers with a total of 119 citations and 8,390 downloads in the year 2019 (197 lifetime citations and 28,983 lifetime downloads)! Many congratulations to the authors and co-authors of the paper!
2 December 2019
A successful Mini ACC-AQSM Symposium took place last Tuesday, 26 November 2019, and was hosted by the Institute for Environmental and Climate Research (ECI), Jinan University in Guangzhou. The Mini Symposium focussed on developing plans for short- and long-term collaborations between the partners, building up on the existing programs and activities, as well as included the Establishing Ceremony of the ACC-AQSM in Guangdong, where a Plaque of the ACC-AQSM was unveiled and a review of the existing joint programs and joint activities between partners from the Guangzhou, Hong Kong Universities, and the Queensland University of Technology. For further information, please visit the Events Page.
25 November 2019
A very successful event took place in Chengdu last week, the 4th Annual Meeting of our Centre, which means our Centre turned five (it was established in 2014!). A large number of members participated in the meeting. For further information, please visit the Events Page.
22 November 2019
The program for the 4th Mini ACC-AQSM Symposium set to take place next Tuesday, 26th November 2019 at the Jinan University in Guangzhou, is now ready! View the Program. For further information, please visit the Events Page.
19 November 2019
The 4th Mini ACC-AQSM Symposium is set to take place on Tuesday, 26th November 2019 at The Institute for Environmental and Climate Research (ECI), Jinan University in Guangzhou, where we will continue to discuss existing collaborations and what more we can do together in the future. For further information, please visit the Events Page.
11 November 2019
The program for the 5th Annual Conference of the ACC-AQSM, to be held in Chengdu on the 19th November 2019, is now ready! To view the program. For more information about the Annual Conference.
11 November 2019
An international team of experts published a White Paper on “Ambient ultrafine particle evidence for policy makers”, which was led by Professor Lidia Morawska (ILAQH, QUT), Professor Annette Peters (Institute of Epidemiology, Helmholtz Center Munich – German Research Center for Environmental Health), and Professor Flemming R. Cassee (National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, and the Institute of Risk Assessment Sciences, Utrecht University), and was prepared by the ‘Thinking outside the box’ team. The White Paper has been published on the European Federation of Clean Air and Environmental Protection Associations (EFCA) website ( and can now be downloaded here.
18 October 2019
Congratulations to Lidia and Wei; their comment paper titled, “Face masks could raise pollution risks” was published in Nature! This was generated as part of ACC-AQSM addressing Big Questions (we couldn’t include an acknowledgment to the Centre, due to the character limit for Nature’s Comments). The link to the article online.
27 August 2019
We are asking all members of the ACC-AQM to register your attendance for the 5th Annual Conference of the ACC-AQSM, to be held in Chengdu on the 18-19th November 2019. Please complete he registration form and send to Yan ( and Jian ( This will be a multi-faceted Annual Meeting, running along-side the 25th China Atmospheric Environment Science and Technology Conference, the theme of which will be: PM2.5 and ozone coordinated control, precise management. Experts and scholars from around in the world in the field of atmospheric environment, including members of the ACC-AQSM, will participate in this high level conference! For more information about the 25th China Annual Conference of the Atmospheric Environmental Society. AUSTRALIA | CHINA
19 August 2019
The 5th Annual Conference of the ACC-AQSM will be held in Chengdu, China from the 18-19 November 2019. This is a particularly exciting and important multi-facial Annual Meeting, because it will run alongside the alongside the Annual Conference of the Atmospheric Environmental Society, as well as Sino-Korea-Japan and Sino-France Conferences. The focus of our Annual Meeting will be on: ‘Changing atmosphere with the changing energy sources and changing climate’.
If you planning to attend the Annual Meeting, please register ASAP with Yang Yan (
26 July 2019
From the 23 June to the 7 July 2019, Professor Hao Wang from the Jinan University in Guangzhou, visited the International Laboratory for Air Quality and Health (ILAQH), at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT). The visit was part of the collaboration within the QUT-JNU Joint Laboratory for Air Quality Science and Management.
Professor Wang, as a co-supervisor of the first joint QUT-JNU student Johanna Horchler, has been involved in a joint measurement campaign studying the interaction of anthropogenic air (from Brisbane) with biogenic SOA precursors. The campaign has been conducted in the QUT’s Simulation Chamber for Atmospheric Transformation and Ageing and a similar one but this time with air from Guangzhou will be conducted later in the year in JNU.
3 July 2019
Following the visit of a QUT delegation to Guangzhou in November last year, where the renewal of a MOU was signed with the Guangdong Science and Technology Department for joint collaborative research projects, to continue these discussions on joint activities, a visit took place at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT), in Brisbane, Australia, in May 2019, by a delegation from the Jinan University (JNU).
The delegation included: Professors Song Xianzhong, President; Pu Ruoqian, Director, Office of International Exchange and Cooperation; Ding Ke, Dean, College of Pharmacy; Chen Zhenqiang, Dean, College of Science and Technology; Feng Shuaizhang, Dean, Institute for Economic and Social Research; and Wang Boguang, Deputy Dean, Institute for Environmental and Climate Research.
8 May 2019
The 5th Annual Conference of the ACC-AQSM will be held in Chengdu, China from the 18-19 November 2019, alongside the Annual Conference of the Atmospheric Environmental Society.
18 March 2019
Over the past few years our work has generated many outputs, and it is very rewording to see that they are highly assessed. We have recently checked the citations of papers from our STOTEN Special Issue: Air Quality in China: Current and Emerging Challenges. It is about two years since we finished the SI, and numerous papers have been highly cited. Congratulations to the many authors from the Centre! As you know, the Centre is currently working on several ‘big papers’, addressing the Big Questions, which hopefully will not only repeat, but also exceed the success of this SI. View the top ten most cited STOTEN Special Issue papers!
7 March 2019
A course opportunity at the University of Cassino, for a Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering has been announced. The course is given in English and is for students possessing a Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering or in Industrial Engineering. If you are interested in this, the contact person at the University of Cassino is Professor Fausto Arpino (, and additional information is available on their website. Applications for 2019 – 2020 is open until June 2019.
24 January 2019
A very successful 3rd Mini ACC-AQSM Symposium took place on the 15 January 2019, at the Fudan University in Shanghai. The Symposium focused on a new topic, Discussion on air pollution in a broader context of urbanization, and continued reviewing the progress on addressing the seven Big Questions. For more information, please visit the Events page.
- Morning Session
- Afternoon Session
14 January 2019
Our first activity for the New Year, the 3rd Mini ACC-AQSM Symposium titled, Air pollution in a broader context of urbanization, is to be held on Tuesday, 15th January 2019. The Mini Symposium will take place in a beautiful venue of the Jiangwan Campus at the Fudan University, in Shanghai. To view the Program.