Shanghai Cooking Emissions Campaign, December 2016 – January 2017

The Shanghai Cooking Emissions Campaign was carried out at the Tongji University from December 2016 to January 2017, led by Professor Zoran Ristovski and Dr. Svetlana Stevanovic from the International Laboratory for Air Quality and Health (ILAQH), Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia, Associate Professor Lina Wang from East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST), Professor JuCookingEmissions.003n Gao from the Tongji University, Professor Lin Wang from Fudan University, and Dr. Li Li and Dr. Hongli Wang from the Shanghai Academy of Environment Sciences (SAES). The project was funded by a National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Grant, with Dr. Svetlana Stevanovic and Associate Professor Lina Wang as the Chief Investigators. The project focused on the measurement of the physical and chemical properties of cooking aerosols, as well as their ROS profiles and cell toxicity. Chemical analysis of the gaseous compounds was performed by PTR-MS (SAES) and CIMS (Fudan University, QUT). The laboratory was built by Tongji University just before the measurements commenced, which allowed investigation of some other factors such as different dilution factors, position and heights during cooking processes. View more photos


2016年12月至2017年1月,上海烹饪油烟排放实验在同济大学开展。实验由澳大利亚布里斯班昆士兰科技大学空气质量与卫生国际实验室(ILAQH)的Zoran Ristovski教授和Svetlana Stevanovic博士,华东理工大学(ECUST)王丽娜副教授,同济大学高军教授,复旦大学王林教授和上海环境科学研究院( SAES)的李丽博士和王红丽博士领衔。 该项目由国家自然科学基金委(NSFC)资助,Svetlana Stevanovic博士和王丽娜副教授为首席研究员。该项目侧重于测量烹饪气溶胶的物理化学性质,以及它们的ROS水平和细胞毒性。通过PTR-MS(SAES)和CIMS(复旦大学,QUT)对气态化合物进行化学分析。实验正式开始之前,实验室由同济大学建成,并测量了烹饪过程中相关的其他因素,如不同的稀释因子,位置和高度。点击查看更多照片