Celebration at QUT 2015

On Wednesday, 3 June 2015, a Celebration of the opening of the Australian office of the ACC-AQSM at QUT, was hosted by the Institute for Future Environments at QUT. This event coincided with celebrating 20 Years of Queensland  Government and QUT Collaboration on Air Quality Monitoring. Presentations were given by Professor Scott Sheppard, DVC (International & Development), QUT; Dr Christine Williams, Assistant Director-General, Science Division, Department of Science, Information Technology and Innovation (DSITI); Dr Yongchen Zhao, Consul General, The Consulate General of the P.R. China in Brisbane; Professor Lidia Morawska, ILAQH, QUT and Director – Australia, ACC-AQSM. There were about 50 people from QLD Government, QUT and other universities and institutes attending this event. View the Program.


2015年6月3日星期三,ACC-AQSM澳大利亚办事处举办了开幕庆祝活动,由昆士兰科技大学未来环境研究所主办。 这次活动与庆祝昆士兰州政府20周年和昆士兰科技大学空气质量监测协作会议同时举行。会上昆士兰科技大学DVC(国际与发展)Scott Sheppard教授,科学、信息技术和创新部 (DSITI)科学司助理总干事Christine Williams博士, 中华人民共和国驻布里斯班领事馆总领事赵永成博士, ACC-AQSM主席、昆士兰科技大学Lidia Morawska教授发表了演讲。约有来自昆士兰州政府,昆士兰科技大学,其他大学和研究所共50人参加这次活动。