ACC-AQSM Annual Meeting

Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia

The first Annual Meeting of the ACC-AQSM was held at the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia from the 30 November – 2 December 2015. The Centre celebrated the 1st anniversary since the Centre launch, and was attended by top Chinese and Australian experts in air pollution and its management.

The opening session summarized the status quo in Chinese and global air quality trends, as well as the state of the art of its management. Presentations were given by Professor Scott Sheppard, DVC (International & Development), QUT; Dr Christine Williams, Assistant Director-General, Science Division, DSITI, Queensland Government; Dr Yongchen Zhao, Consul General, The Consulate General of the P.R. China in Brisbane; Professor Lidia Morawska, ILAQH, QUT and Director – Australia, ACC-AQSM; Dr Jian Gao, CRAES and Secretary-General of the ACC-AQSM; Professor Jiming Hao, Dean of the Institute of Environmental Sciences and Engineering at Tsinghua University; Professor Jianmin Chen, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, FDU; Professor Tong Zhu, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, PKU; and Dr Melita Keywood, Stream Leader, Aerosol Science and Climate Change, CSRIO. The program also included scientific sessions, field trips, and interactive discussions.

Overall, the Annual Meeting further refines plans for our research collaborations, and identification for longer term opportunities for staff and student exchange, professional development collaborations, and research developments that combine the expertise of a number of Chinese and Australian Universities and Institutes. View the Program or more photos.

2015 Annual Meeting



会议开幕式总结了中国和全球空气质量趋势的现状,及其管理的现状。会议上,昆士兰科技大学国际与发展学会教授,Christine Williams博士,昆士兰州政府DSITI科学部助理总干事, 中华人民共和国驻布里斯班领事馆总领事赵永成博士, ACC-AQSM主席、昆士兰科技大学Lidia Morawska教授 ,ACC-AQSM总秘书长、中国环境科学研究院高健博


士,清华大学环境科学与工程研究所院长郝吉明教授,复旦大学环境科学与工程系陈建民教授,北京大学环境科学与工程学院朱彤教授,澳大利亚联邦科学院气溶胶科学和气候变化部负责人Melita Keywood博士发表了演讲。此项目还包括科学会议,实地考察和互动讨论部分。

