School children personal UFP exposure monitoring in Hehsan, Guangdong – April 2016

School children personal UFP exposure monitoring in Hehsan Campaign was carried out as part of a children’s panel study funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), led by Associate Professor Weiwei Lin from the Sun Yat-Sen University (SYSU) in Guangzhou, China. The ILAQH provided three personal monitors (Aerosense Nanotracer) to measure time-series of UFP concentrations and size in real-time. The2016FieldCampaing_Guanzhou_Sml monitoring campaign was conducted in a primary school in Heshan County, the city of Jiangmen within the Pearl River Delta region in China between 18 and 29 April 2016. Health (cardiopulmonary testings) and personal UFP monitoring data were collected from 59 participating school children. Dr Mandana Mazaheri, a senior researcher and Postdoctoral Fellow at ILAQH, led the personal UFP monitoring design, provided training to the SYSU team and participated in the first week of the campaign in Heshan. Data analysis is currently in progress and a paper is in preparation.

广东黑山学校儿童个体UFP暴露监测 – 20164

黑山运动中的儿童个体UFP暴露监测是儿童小组研究的一部分,由中国国家自然科学基金(NSFC)资助,由来自中山大学的林伟伟副教授领导。 ILAQH提供了三个个人监测器(Aerosense纳米仪)来实时测量UFP浓度和粒径。 监测活动于2016年4月18日至29日在中国珠三角地区江门市鹤山县的一所小学进行。从59名参与学校的儿童中收集健康(心肺测试)和个人UFP监测数据。 来自ILAQH的高级研究员和博士后研究员Mandana Mazaheri博士领导了个体UFP监测设计,为中山大学团队提供培训,并参与了鹤山运动的第一周工作。数据分析目前正在进行中,一篇论文正在准备中。