Real time Measurements of ROS Campaign, September – October 2016

The Hong Kong Winter-Time ROS Campaign was carried out at the Hong Kong City University, led by Professor Zhi Ning from HK CityU. The project focused on the measurement of the diurnal profiles of PM2.5 and gas-phase ROS concentrations at two different sampling sites. This project was a joint project between Professor Zoran Ristovski from Queensland University of Technology and Assistant Professor Zhi Ning from the City University of Hong Kong, and 2016HK_WinterCampaign_Smallwas funded by a Hong Kong Research Council Grant.

The samples were performed with the latest prototype of the novel real-time PM ROS sampler developed by QUT, the Particle into Nitroxide Quencher (PINQ). Reece Brown, a PhD candidate from QUT, spent two weeks in Hong Kong setting up, calibrating, and performing preliminary samples with the PINQ. The diurnal measurements were then taken over a month long period by Dr Nirmal Kumar, a Post-Doctoral research fellow from CityU. The measurements will provide diurnal trends in PM2.5 and gas-phase ROS concentrations for each day of the week at both roadside and rooftop sampling sites.

This campaign is the winter time partner to the summertime campaign “Hong Kong City University Campaign” from September to December of 2015.  Both are part of the project “Semi-volatile particulate matter (PM) species in roadside environment: Role in gas-particle partitioning and formation of oxidative potential”. The first paper was submitted for publication and the second paper is in preparation for submission in 2017-2018.


香港冬季RO监测活动由香港城市大学宁知教授带领进行。该项目重点测量两个不同采样点的PM2.5和气相ROS浓度的昼夜分布。该项目是昆士兰理工大学的Zoran Ristovski教授和香港城市大学的副教授宁知的联合项目,由香港研究委员会拨款资助。

样品使用由昆士兰科技大学开发的新型实时PM ROS取样器监测,粒子进入硝基氧化物猝灭(PINQ)。昆士兰科技大学的博士Reece Brown在香港花了两个星期的时间,使用PINQ设置,校准和执行初步样本。然后,来自香港城市大学的博士后研究员Nirmal Kumar博士进行了一个月的长期测量。测量结果将提供路边和屋顶采样点每周每日PM2.5和气相ROS浓度的日变化趋势。
