Components of Ambient Air Fine Particulate Matter and Mechanism of Its Effects on Respiratory Oxidative Stress and Inflammation, 2016-2018

This study is led by Professor Tong Zhu from the Peking University (PKU) in collaboration with the Department of Pulmonary Medicine, Peking University First Hospital in Beijing, China and the International Laboratory for Air Quality and Health (ILAQH), Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia. The study i2016Beijing_PKU_SML ONLYs funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China (2016 – 2018). The campaign will be conducted in seven communities in Shichahai,  Beijing between December 2016 and September 2017. The ILAQH has provided two personal monitors (Aerosense Nanotracer) to measure time-series of UFP concentrations and size in real-time. Data collection campaign will include measuring pulmonary function and personal UFP exposure from 30 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients and 30 healthy participants, aged 45 to 70 years old. Dr Mandana Mazaheri, a senior researcher and Postdoctoral Fellow at the ILAQH, is leading the personal UFP monitoring design, providing research support and training to the Chinese partners and will lead the analysis on personal UFP exposure assessments.

环境空气细颗粒物的组成及其对呼吸道氧化应激和炎症的影响机制2016 – 2018

这项研究由北京大学朱彤教授与北京大学第一医院肺科医院和澳大利亚布里斯班昆士兰科技大学空气质量与健康国际实验室(ILAQH)合作。该研究由中华人民共和国科学技术部资(2016 – 2018年)。该活动将于2016年12月至2017年9月在北京什刹海七个社区进行。ILAQH提供了两台个体监视器(Aerosense 纳米仪)来实时测量UFP浓度和实时粒径。数据收集活动将包括测量30名慢性阻塞性肺病(COPD)患者和30名年龄45至70岁的健康参与者的肺功能和个人UFP暴露数据。 Mandana Mazaheri博士是ILAQH的高级研究员和博士后研究员,领导个人UFP监测设计,为中国合作伙伴提供研究支持和培训,并领导对个人UFP暴露评估的分析。